Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Poor plants..

Yesterday afternoon we took quite a beating. There were at least 2 heavy hail storms that must have lasted more than 10 minutes each. I was just starring out the window watching the garden take a beating.
Anyway, yesterday was 52/39 with about a half inch of rain and a few wind gusts when a thunderstorm would blow by.
This morning it was very wet/rainy with some light south wind and around 40 degrees.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nice weekend!

We had a very nice weekend!
Saturday was nice and sunny, with a high of 71 and a low of 39. The wind did come up for awhile, but was gone by late afternoon.
Sunday was about the same with a high of 70.9 and a low of 45. I went ahead and put the tomatoes, bell peppers and artichokes in the ground on Sunday.

The rain returned Monday, but it was still quite warm. It was dry on my way to work, but by the time the sun came up it was wet. Temp was 63/44. Very mild.

Today was damp on the way to work, but very mild (46.5).

Friday, April 25, 2008

Clearing up..

This morning it was 41 at 3:30am. The sky had started to clear up just before sunset yesterday, and it was a thin patchy cloud layer this morning.

Looks like it got up to 51 yesterday and down to 39 last night. Not really any wind to speak of at our house, but there were a few 12mph gusts during the day. They say we should see the sun today! I cant wait!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Way below average!

I was just looking at this week 2008 vs 2007 and we are way below average.
2007 high 76 low 43 average 56
2008 high 52 low 34 average 41

I think next week will be a lot closer to last year.

Showers, but warmer.

Some sprinkles on my way to work. Temp was about 42 at 3:30am... seems to be getting a little warmer finally. Forecast is 40/52 with showers.

The garden is still bare, and I have several plants inside the house (to keep them warm) that I am starting to consider planting. I think I should be able to get at least the tomatoes and bell peppers planted within the next week or so. The are pressed against the window in the garage trying to get some sun! I have about 6 pumpkin seeds in the house that are planted in peat pots. They have been growing about an inch a day and I am just hoping it gets warm enough outside before the overrun the pots.

First post!

The goals of the Troutdale Weather Journal are:
  • Keep a historical archive of Troutdale weather
  • Create an entry as often as possible - hopefully daily, or at least 4 times a week
  • Have at least the daily hi/low temp, and a mention of conditions
Simple enough right? I guess I will find out.

The reason I am doing this is because I often wonder "what was it like this day/month last year". I can find data about these things online but not for "Troutdale".